My name is Ice I’m never nice.

Do me once chances are you’ll do me twice.

I alter your mind and put you in a bind.

Make you mistreat your family and leave them behind.

I cause you to do things you’d never do.

Because once I get a hold I control you.

I become your main focus even over your wife.

I come before everything else in your life.

I’m oh so sneaky and good at what I do.

That you won’t even realize it until I’ve already got you.

I make you think Noone else could understand.

And convince you that I should be your best friend.

I’ll never let you down you see

Because I’m always around whenever you need me.

The only side affect there is to me.

Is that your life is no longer what it used to be.

It’s Not A Good Idea To Mixed Up with me.

Once I get a hold you will never be free.

So please stop and think before you do.

Something that in the end will destroy you!


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